Rascal was the cat with the softest hair… Dr. Mell always teased that he accidentally went home with a rabbit's coat. He was the cat with the meticulously clean coat. His white fur always gleamed. He was the cat who knew the command "kiss me", and who would always deliver. He was the kindest cat... never hissed... always adored his little brother. He was the cat who converted my mother to a cat-lover. He was a gentle soul: all you had to do is look into his eyes. He was the cat who slept next to me every night, and snored when on his back. He was my hot water bottle, my kitty blanket, and my spoonee.
I hope you are snoozing in a sunny window sill, and that you eat tuna every day. There is no point of saying goodbye: you will always be with me in my heart, my darling Rascal.